Website Appearance

Here you can change the visual appearance of your website, such as colors, background, header image and more. The window is divided into 3 sections: Colors and Patterns, Text Options, and Header Options. To get to the appearance options, select Site Tools on the right side of your Toolbar, then select Edit Website Appearance, the first option in the Site Tools menu.

edit website appearance

Website Appearance: Color

This is where you can adjust the colors for different aspects of your website, including the background and text colors for your entire website.

To choose a color, click the color swatch next to the text box, or insert a hex code into the text box, if you know the hex code of the color you want to use.

screenshot of website colors

Background Pattern or Image

The background of your website can be enhanced by using a repeated pattern or full-screen background image. Click the image at the bottom of the Website Appearance window. Here you can upload an image from your computer, select an image you’ve already uploaded, or choose from all available stock background images and patterns.

To use a stock background image or pattern, click the From Stock Photos tab, select the one you would like to use, and click Select Image at the bottom of the window to set it as the background for your website. Remember to click Save Changes before leaving the Website Appearance window. Patterns will be shown in the chosen Background Color. Images are not affected by Background Color.

background patterns
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