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The Reality of Social Media

    We all know that social media has become a huge part of the way we promote and communicate with customers, but what can you actually expect to gain from using social media as a business?

    Ethos: Appeal to Ethics

      Persuasive marketing has been around for a long time now, with three main branches: ethos, logos, and pathos. Each one is individually important but they all work well together.

      Logos: The Appeal to Logic

        Persuasive marketing is a fantastic strategy to use for your business. The second branch of persuasive marketing, logos, is the appeal to logic and reason. It uses statistics, facts, and figures to show why someone should logically buy what you’re promoting. It’s a great way to showcase your credibility with facts and reason.

        Pathos: The Appeal to Emotion

          The last branch of persuasive marketing is pathos. he goal of pathos is to have the audience associate specific feelings with a product or service.

          Email Marketing: How to Start a Drip Campaign

            Email marketing is a great way to communicate with your audience and generate new leads with minimal effort. One easy way to create consistent email content is to start a drip campaign!