Managing Site Navigation

Under Site Tools in your Toolbar, you will see Manage Site Navigation. This feature allows you to re-order the links that appear on your website. This includes Top and Main Navigation, Subpages, and Footer Links.

screenshot of site tools
screenshot of site navigation

Edit Top & Main Navigation

Here you can add to, reorder and remove the pages on the menu at the top of the screen. You will see your Current Top Level Menu in the middle. Drag the pages left and right to change the order they will appear in your menu. At the top, under Available Pages, are all the pages that are available to be placed in your Current Top Level Menu. Drag and drop these pages into your Current Top Level Menu to add and remove these pages.

For the Main Navigation, you can add to, reorder and remove the pages on the Main Menu located underneath your header image. You will see your Current Main Level Menu pages at the bottom of the screen. Drag the pages left and right to change the order they will appear in your menu. At the top, under Available Pages, are all the pages that are available to be placed in your Current Main Level Menu. Drag and drop these pages into your Current Main Level Menu to add and remove these pages.

manage website navigation graphic

Edit Footer Navigation

Here you can add to, reorder and remove pages on the Footer menus, located at the very bottom of your website. You will see your Footer Left Menu and Footer Right Menu on the left side of the screen. Drag the pages up and down to change the order they will appear in your menus. On the right in the gray area is every page not used in your current Footer setup. Add pages by dragging a page from the gray area on the right to the appropriate Footer Menu. Remove pages by dragging them from the Menus on the left, back into the gray page area.

screenshot of footer navigation

Reorder Subpages

Here you can reorder your subpages. These are pages nestled under your Menu and Gallery links. In this window, you will see all pages that have subpages added. Click on the page or gallery to edit its Subpage links. Simply drag the pages up and down to reorder them.

Add An External Page Link

Here you can add navigation links to pages that aren’t on your site. To add an external page link, copy the URL of the page you want to link to and paste that URL into the text box under URL. Remember, the link has to start with http:// in order to link properly. Under Link Text, you can edit what the button that links to your external page will say. Title Text is a description that shows up when you move your mouse pointer over the button link.

screenshot of adding an external link
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